Munster, Germany - DPA
Researchers have found Germans to the extent that faith helps the human to deal better with the loss of a life partner.
The researchers studied psychology in the cities of Münster and Mainz in western Germany, data from more than 400 people who died of their life partner and followed closely for more than nine years.
The result of the long-term study revealed by the University of Münster on Friday, that people who believe in their happiness did not lose as much life with the loss of a wife or husband with the same degree of persons who do not believe in fate.
The researchers saw that this result is interesting especially since previous studies had concluded that the extent of faith is often a problem because it makes people "less happy life and less successful at work and more susceptible to disease." The psychologist participating in the study Iolh Cbeshet: "Our results show that faith to the extent not all defects, but will have advantages in certain situations," she said, to the extent that faith has a protective effect.
Cairo - Riyadh Office - Ahmed Badr Nassar
Have surprised the reader when he reads the title, but this is not really in America, but in Zimbabwe, where the Government issued a Zimbabwean paper currency, a new 100-billion Zimbabwean dollars, a figure that those who do not know does the number (1) and on his right hand a tenth zero.
He was counting zeros in the currency, the Zimbabwean problem even before the issuance of new paper, which buys two loaves of bread.
Since the beginning of this year forced the government to pass a series of banknotes due to inflation, and the first was a 100-million and 250 million and 500 million, but all these currencies become worthless, unfortunately. And become usual for Zimbabweans to talk about the daily expenses Petrlionat dollars, and contains 12 trillionth zero.
Zimbabwean citizenship and says that what causes the disorder is to try to enumerate the zeros on the banking instruments or attempt to enumerate the papers that show the prices of goods.
The problem of multiple zeros as well as for calculators to be able to view the article, as well as payment devices in the market and accounting systems and others.
To circumvent this problem, banks recently decided to delete six zeros from all financial transactions and documents, but local economist John Robertson said Zimbabwe they would have to delete the three zeroes again during the last month. Zimbabwe is not only experienced the same problem and other countries historically have seen similar cases of inflation and amounted to more than 50% during the month. Alzimbawi and the citizen may go to the market, along with $ 500 million in Zimbabwe may be due to 3 kW and 4 kW tomatoes and onions eggs only two dishes to his home.