Thursday, 10 February 2011

Black your inbox .. Will not go with you to the grave

Fahad Amir Ahmadi

Range of human experiences and the memories accumulated .. What is the value your past and your experience and your knowledge and appreciate your interest to the community if you lose your memory and personal archives?!

It is no secret that we become the possibility of dementia and memory loss is increasing as we age and passed the age of aging. Even if not hit by the many memories of the past may have faded or disappeared altogether. To avoid the loss of memories and experiences of many companies provided special computer programs reservation events and experiences the task .. The Microsoft Corporation, to my knowledge is the first to offer a platform for this purpose, ten years ago called the memories of my life, or (MyLifeBite). The idea of the program to record all of the pictures, messages, ideas, notes, personal and telephone conversations in a huge electronic archive (just as does the black box flight). These operations take place without interference from you as long as implemented by the computer are automatically copied to your hard drive .. In the event I was afraid of the "disk" You can buy the same storage space suitable to the company to record the memories and the commandments and the confessions (Wu) back to it when needed or return to the heirs after your death!!

And of course the company did not talk a lot about the security aspect and the possibility of theft of our memories by the hacker specialist .. It also did not talk about the possibility of success of scientists in achieving the dream is as long as the frequency in science fiction; In case you're in the age of twenty (these days) will have become possible (while it reaches age seventy) Reproduction of memory and recorded on laser disc and possibly re-implanted in the brain of a man else!!

= This possibility is strange become available in the future thanks to increasing our understanding of the functioning of memory on the one hand and the evolution of electronic storage methods on the other hand. The wearer will not be different cloning knowledge stored in memory for Reproduction of material recorded on the "USB" or laser disc .. You can imagine the genius in physics, medicine is at the age of sixty or age of maturity scientific Called to the Ministry of "scientific indoctrination." There is very welcome receives and determines his date for the reproduction of his memory and transfer them to the brains of a select group of young people .. When the spread of this practice will be made available to your grandchildren learn ten languages in a single day or get a PhD in an hour and gain all the knowledge between the eve of Oodhaha!!

He noted that this perception is based on studies that the contents of memory are only moving electrical impulses between brain cells .. But if true (Another hypothesis), which claims that the memories just changes in the chemical brain then will be the transfer of information by chemical means into the blood stream or a memory directly; Instead of reproducing the information in electronic format will be deployed in the next century "caps" and "injection" and "spray nose "includes all of the specialized information .. And so Neil does not need any academic degree only deal with "capsule" math or "snuff" French - while I expect to get medical specialties by injection "IM" -..

I just hope that medical mistakes do not continue until that time ..